Saturday, November 13, 2010

Aspern & Essling villages

Here's the latest pictures of the build courtesy of Tim. The villages of Aspern and Essling with buildings, walls flocking and paint added. Looking pretty good, fellas! Buildngs painted by Tim and a cast of thousands; walls by John R.

Aspern from the west

Aspern from the south

From the east

Essling from the south

Essling from the north


  1. Wow... I like the Essling granary!
    A questionabout playability: Are permanenly fixed all these nice buildings or can be removed when occupied by the troops?

  2. Hi Rafa,

    The buildings aren't fixed, so that they can be removed for playability. The footprint remains on the base so that everyone knows where the buildings are. Special rules have been devised for street fighting; ie. charging from one BUA to another. I have a feeling they will be heavily used!

  3. Waiting to see this gran battle!


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