
Thursday, April 30, 2015

New Stuff - A Long Time Coming!

So much detail!

Finally! Some new stuff on the blog.

First up is the lovely lancers by Franznap. I've had these for quite a while and painted two some time ago. I was put off painting the rest as they are some of Francesco's earliest offerings made from resin. I was extremely worried about breaking them and I wasn't wrong! In the preparation phase while trimming off the flash, I broke the officer's sword, the bugler's trumpet and one trooper's scabbard. I replaced the sword with a blade bodged up from the sprue, glued the bugle bell back on (slightly crooked!) and left the trooper's scabbard slightly shorter than his comrades'. I also snapped one of the lances, but it didn't come off completely, so it's held together with a blob of superglue. I hope they survive their table-top baptism tomorrow!

The second lot to show off is a unit of British light infantry in post 1812 shakos. They are based on the 68th Light Infantry, so they aren't strictly historical for the rest of my British forces based on Hill's 2nd Corps at Vittoria,

These figures are Strelets from two different sets, the new infantry in greatcoats set and the Egyptian campaign infantry with head conversions using heads from the first set. While Strelets figures are delightfully chunky, the detail on the new set isn't up to their usual standard. There was a lot of flash and the facial details are little more than blobs. The difference in detail between the two sets made by the same sculptor is quite remarkable.


  1. Despite any difficulties in the preparation, the results on your lancers is outstanding.

  2. Excellent looking troops, but boy do they sound fragile!!!!

  3. Those lancers are some of the most realistic poses I've seen. Lovely brushwork Rosbif.

  4. Great stuff Ben! I have the exact same issues with the Fraznap Lancers: superb sculpts but oooh sooo fragile in resin...

  5. Resin can be a bugger to work with, and I certainly wouldn't use resin en masse for that reason, but the results here have confirmed by interest in possibly using Franznap models to fill gaps in my 1/72 plastic forces. Do they match well scale-wise?

    1. They're a perfect match for size. I suspect that some figures started off as Italeri dragoons, which he modified heavily, like the bugler in particular.

    2. Forgot to mention...he does a metal version, too.

    3. Thanks for the info mate, that's good to know and very helpful.

  6. Those lancers are terrific. Are they wearing green because they are chasseurs a chevalier?
