
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Jón Fearhrýðer - Johnny Rosbif's Anglo-Saxon SAGA Adventures

Having been bitten by the Saga bug a while back, I've been beavering away on my Anglo-Saxon forces to give Darren (or anyone else for that matter!) a run for their money! As I don't have a copy of the rules or any of the supplements yet, I'll still be relying on others for a while.

I think I've got myself a 4 point warband, but I'll have to check with those more knowledgable. The warband consists of the Warlord, 8 Thegns and 12 Levy, including 4 slingers.

As this is a side project which doesn't fit in with either of my other major projects, it won't get it's own blog, but will sit in this blog with its own icon in the top of the right hand sidebar. Clicking that icon will bring up all the posts with the "SAGA" label.

As to the name Jón Fearhrýðer? It's the closest I could come to Johnny Rosbif in Old English; it actually means John Bull!

Warlord and posse



and more Thegns!




and slingers


  1. Very nice Rosbif and I am sure that you will enjoy the game. I am also very slowly building a Saga force of Anglo-Danes, got to love the great axe, lol.

    If you want another game to play with them check out Valhalla by East Street Games, link here They are free to download and actually great fun.

  2. Looking good! You've got yourself two points worth there. One point will get you twelve levy (Fyrd), eight warrriors (Thegns) or four hearthguard (Huscarls). The warlord comes for free. So, good news/bad news! Good news, you get more stuff to play with, bad news is you need to get and paint said more stuff! SAGA is an excellent game. One of my regular opponents and I are about to start a campaign and chronicle it on my blog, should be a bit of humour! Cheers, Paul :-)

    1. Oh well, painting more of these lovely figures won't be too much of a chore! Thanks for the info, Red Dog.

  3. Wonderful job on these Rosbif, but what's with the funny looking muskets? Russian Opolchenie? :-)

  4. Nice job, they look great and fierce!

  5. Great paintwork, you've really managed to capture the feel of the period imho! I am looking forward to the first AAR!

  6. Fantastic paintwork Jón ! Just started painting up some of the Warlord warriors myself!

  7. Excellent work on these - I like the colors you used for the clothing and shield; colorful, but not overly and looks very authentic.

  8. Looking good. Saga has intruiged me, but no local opponents

  9. Loving these, can't wait to hear how you get on.

  10. Great start to your Saxons, Rosbif! You're in with both feet, and a brush.
