
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Blowing My Own Trumpet - 200 Followers!


Follow the shoe!
No, follow the gourd!

I'm not the Messiah! I'm just a very naughty boy!

I just noticed that my followers have hit the 200 mark, thanks to The Lord of Excess from The Excessive Gamer and other blogs. Thanks your Lordship!

I'm sorry that I've been a bit quiet of late, but with semester kicking off here in Australia, work has been pretty busy. After a day at work and then the second shift with the family afterwards, there hasn't been much time left in the day for painting or blogging! I'm hoping to remedy it shortly with some more units from the workbench to submit in a last gasp for Curt's Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge and actually exceed the target I set myself.

Thanks again for your continued support. It's much appreciated!