
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Borodino Part 2

After a longer delay than I anticipated (sorry about that! Real life and everything, you know...), I give you part 2 of our Borodino game, comprising the rest of the first evening's play and part of the second day. After IV Corps gets into action, the rest of the action on the board takes a bit of a back seat, or only appears in disjointed chunks as and when I had time to lift my head up from what was immediately facing me.

Still, the action I left hanging in the first post reaches its climax, and James and I manage to get some moves in as well.

So, recapping the last post, the forces of Marshal Ney had taken the fleches and were awaiting the counter attack from the Russians, ably led by Tony. It was a touch-and-go proposition, looking like it was to head in the direction of the historical battle with one side, then the other, taking possession of the fleches.

The Russian counter-atack builds...

...while the French rush reinforcements to bolster the defence

With the table directly behind the fleches added, you can see the depth of the French reinforcements

Still, if the Russians broke through the front line, they'd cause havoc with the units behind.

And in they go!

Crash! The French meet them...

...including the cavalry on the left flank, which proved to be a winning move.

Poor dice rolling on Tony's part, plus the added advantage of having cavalry on the attacker's flank resulted in a minor loss...

...and the Russian attack failed with losses, disorders and a reitre!

Time to consolidate the front line; Jaegers reform and retire from the woods, leaving them in the Wurrtembergers' possession.

Similarly, the jaeger screen in front of the main Russian line retires, to leave a clear field of fire for the artillery, as the French consolidate their gains. The Russians were ordered to dispute the fleches if they felt it worthwhile, otherwise to fall back and consolidate. After the failed counterattack, the later option was chosen.

Meanwhile, IV Corps had fulfilled its orders by taking Borodino and establishing a devensive line to the north.

What I didn't do was to establish a bridgehead across the Kalotscha, so after occupying Borodino, I gave James (Broussier) the orders to cross the river.

Jim's 2 divisions of I Corps wait in reserve behind Borodino.

Broussier readies to cross. Unfortunately, I should have specified that he cross with a stronger brigade, or at least not lead off with the Spanish of the Joseph Napoleon Regiment, the weakest in the whole Corps!

While the rest of the Corps maintains the defensive position, the Corps artillery moves towards Borodino in anticipation of crossing behind Broussier.

What's this? The Russians don't look like they're going to let us cross without something to say about it!

The 2 battalions of the JN Regt. cross the bridge with disorders and are immediately met with artillery and skirmish fire, while infantry and cavlary ominously mass! 

Can the JNR hold out til additional forces arrive to help out?
Units follow immediately behind. There's an ominous backup of traffic on the bridge.

The answer is most definitely "NO!" Russian cavalry charge the tiny, battered JNR 1st btn which is immediatley sent flying back across the bridge, further disordering the units behind it.

After the cavalry do their worst, the Russian infantry join in the fun sending the French and their useless Spanish allies reeling back across the bridge.

The bridge is cleared and the brigade is repulesd. They have been pushed beyond the now empty Borodino where the mass of red disorder dice can be seen.

The victorious Russian infantry blocking the exit on the headland.

Strategy changes; I form a Grand Battery to outflank the artillery on the peninsula, though the earthworks protect them from the worst.

Things as they stand on the northern flank after Broussier's repulse. What to do next?

The battered brigade still routing through Borodino. 

Here's a surprise: Napoleon still was expecting an attack on the northern flank at some stage, so he sends the Young Guard to assist!

They arrive to take the reserve position recently vacated by the I Corps division which I commanded to move further forward.
I'll leave you with a couple of atmospheric photos showing the mass of colourful troops that made the table such a delight to look at.



  1. I didn't think it could any better, but then this! And still more you say?

  2. A very impressive display - a pity about your Spanish pals though.

  3. Wow! Fantastic looking big battle - the terrain and figures are top-notch. Quite a convincing argument for using 1/72nd plastics. Best, Dean

  4. This is a treat to look at and follow along. Plans undone but I do like your idea of a Grand Battery!

  5. An epic looking game, some excellent photos!

  6. The epitome of martial splendour - the very reason we play with figures at all. Magnifique, and velikii!

  7. Excellent! Some of the pictures are really, really impressive! I love the Russian troops and the terrain...

  8. Poor Spanish 'afrancesados'! A great AAR. Waiting for more...

  9. Very beautiful, thanks for all the pictures and explanation!

  10. I'm seriously liking the wide range of types of miniatures :)

  11. Wow, looking amazing!

  12. Great photos, awesome looking game!
