
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Two More Battalions to Go (and Then Some!)....+ The Analogue Hobbies Challenge!

The latest battalion leaves the workbench, ready for duty! Again, it's HaT 8095 with a ring in from 8167 and a few head mods into the bargain.

After finishing the last two battalions of line troops, I've got some velites and light troops to do to bolster my existing forces, artillery, and a few more cavalry units.

Coming next will be the Dragoni Regina, or Queen's Dragoons; The pink faced Italian dragoon regiment!

And finally; Yes, folks, it's that time of year again! I've thrown my hat into the ring for Curt's 4th Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge! This time his entry fee is a Sam Peckinpah inspired figure. Besides the "Wild Bunch" I'm not really familiar with his oeuvre. A bit of research will have to be done, I'm sure.


  1. The French are looking great! Good luck for the challenge.

  2. Looking nice and great to have you on the Challenge as well!

  3. Very nice, once again! Good luck...

  4. Great men in campaign dress!... Waiting to see your pinj Italians!

  5. Good luck in the Challenge!

    Lovely figures - the "on campaign" look is always my preference.

  6. They look great! So much detail you work on this scale - rivals any 28mm figures. Best, Dean

  7. That's another fine body of men and best of luck in the challenge my good man.

  8. Thanks all! I post these pictures and half expect someone to accuse me of reposting pictures of earlier battalions, because it's all I seem to have been posting for quite some time now :-)

    Good luck to all you fellow Challenge participants, too! I'm limbering up my fingers now so that I don't pull a muscle at a crucial stage....
