
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Surprise!...More French Infantry!

Here's the latest 9-figure battalion using the HaT 8095 set as the basis of the Other Ranks. The elite figures come from HaT's expansion sets 8166 and 8167 and the officer is another SHQ officer of Chasseurs of the Guard who has had a head replacement using an officer's head from HaT set 8252. All the elites and the middle march-attack and right hand charging infantrymen have had head swaps, too.

Below is the 3 sided movement tray I showed in the previous post. The edges are made from polystyrene foam cut to size and glued to thick cardboard. Once the PVA glue dried, I roughly broke off the foam almost down to the level of the board to a height of a couple of millimetres. Then I painted the whole tray in the same brown shade I use on the figures' bases and flocked the foam once the paint was dry. The paint and the flock matches the figures so that they blend in seamlessly.

They will also be convenient for attaching the unit labels which Andrew S. has created for every unit on the French side in the upcoming Borodino game


  1. Very nice troops, some great poses!

  2. Your collection just keeps on getting better & bigger. Very nice work on the figures, btw. Clever basing as well.

  3. Great job once again. Very effective.

  4. Neat little conversions there Rosbif and I like the movement tray

  5. Great paint job. Really georgeous detailing...
