
Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's Over - Now for the Prizes!

Curt's 3rd Annual Analogue Painting Challenge has finally finished. Congrats to Chris, James and Kev for finishing 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively in the production stakes. And special congrats to Ray for gracefully pointing out an error in points calculation that put him out of the running for 3rd. Well played, Ray!

After pacing myself well early on, I limped to the finish only barely scraping past my estimated total of 660 points. After reaching the giddy heights of 16th out of 47, I ended up 31st. Not too shabby for my first effort, though; there were still 16 people in my rear-vision mirror!

Now the serious part; voting on the various categories. I can take part in the Challengers' Choice, but all of you out there who didn't take part are welcome to take part in the People's Choice award. That doesn't mean you have to vote for yours truly (though I would obviously be chuffed if you did...hint, hint!), as there has been some truly top notch entries along the way. Click the link above to peruse the entries and leave your choice as a comment if you feel so inclined.

It was a lot of fun and also helped (temporarily) to increase my output, while garnering lots of positive feedback from a lot of the usual suspects, but also some new faces whose blogs I hadn't caught up with until joining in.

Here's a selection of my entries just to refresh your memories:


  1. Well done the winners. Some great looking paint jobs there.

    I vote for...your British rocket troops.

  2. Nice one Ben, 31st wasn't a bad showing at all. Now to pick out my favourite, that's going to be a hard job!!

  3. Lovely to see these altogether, especially as I had missed that rather splendid rocket troop. Excellent work Ben, but now to make our decisions!

  4. Top work... especially like the Soviets. I usually do not like multibased minis for WWII, but these are great!
