
Monday, January 7, 2013

Dennewitz 1813 - Taster

Last weekend saw the 2013 January Napoleonic event hosted by Tim down in Drouin, an hour or so south-east of Melbourne. His son Andrew had planned the battle and come up with the special rules, and painted ALL the figures, for both sides, over the past 8 years! All the figures were either Front Rank or Calpe.

The weather wasn't kind with the temperature reaching 40° C on Friday, the first day of the battle, and in the 30s on the following day. It certainly tests your stamina playing in a tin shed in that kind of heat!

I played the role of Marshal Ney and directed my subordinates to try to force a way through the allies, ably led by Andrew S, to seize Berlin. I'll leave the results to a more detailed batrep, but here's some taster pictures from the weekend.

The field of action as the first allied reinforcements make their presence felt, while ours slog their way forward in the background.

French coalition forces try to outflank the allies to the left

The central villages became the focus of the battle

The Prussians!

The Saxons!

My big push in the centre!

My Painting Challenge output has been drastically reduced by the weekend as well as the heatwave we're currently having, but I'm hoping to get back into it soon :-)


  1. Wow! That's one spectacular looking table.

  2. Dennewitz is a fovourite of mine. Waiting to see the AAR!
    Regards Rafa

  3. Sorry old chap - can't read the text on that background. Maybe an iPhone issue.

  4. Ourf !! Impressive project !

  5. What a table! Really impressive!

  6. Beautiful sight. What a massive array of armies and battleground! Somebody needs to take a vacation and relax for awhile.

  7. Man, that's huge! How did you reach into the table?

  8. Very impressive looking game! Stuff the temperature though.

  9. A large Dennewitz game! Figures all from Calpe and Front Rank!! I hope you're working on that battle report Mr Rosbiff because we need to see it most urgently!!! 8O)

    von Peter himself

  10. Titantic! I'd have trouble playing because I'd be busy scoping out all of the lead!

    The cold just added to the simulation, eh?

  11. Amazing scale of action. That board looks very wide! How did you reach the middle?
    What rules were used?

  12. I love to see Nap games of that size. Amazing. Was it 28mm? If so, more amazing.
    Hoping you manage in the heat. Seeing some terrible pictures of the fires in Taz.
    All the best,

  13. Excellent table and figures. I've refought Dennewitz at least half a dozen times. It's a great scenario

  14. You guys are mad - it'd be like an oven in that shed! Bloody amazing table and figures etc, but still mad to be in a shed anywhere here at the moment. Brilliant but crazy. Love it!

    1. Hey with a couple of fans blowing and plenty of cold beer it wasn't too bad, and the next two days were very pleasant. It was a great weekend. Cheers.
