
Thursday, October 11, 2012

My Next Project - Borodino IV Corps

I know a lot of groups out there have been organised to actually play the big battles on their 200th anniversary, but we're a bit slow on the uptake! We usually have our big annual bash in the first weekend after the New Year and this coming year will be a first in that our battle will be a giant encounter battle loosely based on the 1813 campaign, and won't be re-fight of a historical battle with all the associated baggage of pre-conceived ideas and historical precedence. Added to that is the fact that I put my hand up to be C-in-C of the French, so it will be a challenging game to say the least!

After this, we''l be going back to our usual historical re-fights, with Borodino getting the guernsey for 2014. I've put up my hand for IV Corps as I've already painted up units of the Italian Royal Guard. To these I'll be adding some extra figures, as well as a new unit; the Conscripts of the Guard. Then I'll have lots more French line and light infantry to paint, as well as a couple of exotics, namely the 1st Provisional Croat Regiment and the Joseph-Napoleon Regiment; the regiment of Spaniards who missed out on repatriation to Spain from the Baltic coast and found themselves at the other end of Europe fighting for the despoiler of their homeland.

For these, I'll be using HaT's light infantry sets 8219, 8251, 8252 and their trusty (if chunky!) line infantry set 8095. I'll probably use the Italeri French post 1812 infantry and the wonderful Schilling metal figures, though I still haven't decided how to incorporate elites into those units, as the Schilling figures are just fusiliers. I'll probably see how the Italeri elites stack up next to the Schillings once painted.

The experimental conversion of a French chasseur in a previous post is related to this project as well. I'm not sure if I'll be able to go to the expense and trouble of converting 4 regiments' worth of figures or if I'll have to find another option for Bavarian Chevaux-Leger. I might be reduced to buying HaT's Bavarian cavalry, even though they aren't to my taste.

Conscripts of the Royal Guard (image from Histunif )

1st Provisional Croatian Regt. (image from Histofig)

Joesph-Napoleon Regt. (image from Histofig)


  1. That's the excellent thing about painting up Napoleonic's, you can get strange coloured units on the table at the same time as the normal French uniforms. I'm sure I painted up the Croatian regt for my pal Postie many moons ago, I had a little trouble tracking down their flag, I do recall???

    1. Ray, the flag of the Croatians is on a plate from the Histofig site too.
      (I realise that you were talking past tense, but thought I'd throw that in for any others who are reading/interested)


  2. I am looking forward to seeing this especially with the lesser known allies that you are using. Great website too.

  3. Do you still need Italeri light cavalry?

    1. Yes, if you've got some spare, I think I'll at least do a couple of regts of conversions. I'll pay you or swap you something for them.

      Thanks Conrad.

      BTW, your British dragoons and assorted Germanic types arrived a week and half ago. Cheers!

  4. Ben,

    Those Hat Bavarians actually paint up well and look really good. I should have a close up photo of the ones that Mark did for our game in a future post. (I have done some as Hessian chevaulégers!)


  5. This is going to be cool. I love watching what people can do with conversions in this scale.

  6. Great Project! Please take a look to my own project.... Russia Campaign 1812 :-)

  7. Hey - nice units. I especially liked to paint the Joseph Napoleon regiment, it's one of the most nice parts of my collection. Enjoy!
