
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Napoleonic Cavalry Charge and Other Stuff

Apparently this video has been kicking around various forums (fora?) for a while, but it came to my attention courtesy of Robert (Benevolent Chastiser of Serfs) of La Bricole forum and Serrez les Rangs blog fame. It shows a recreation of a Napoleonic cavalry charge performed by the cavalry of the French Republican Guard circa 1970 (when your humble correspondent was but a wee babe in arms!).

There is a commentary, but it's in French so some of my francophone friends might be able to tell me what is said! It's a very interesting view of how a cavalry charge may have looked from the start. I was impressed by the noise of the trumpeters, as I never really really thought of the volume generated, but I suppose that's accurate as they trumpet tunes indicated various commands that needed to be heard by everyone.

I also liked the aerial shots showing how ragged the line becomes once full speed was reached.

Speaking of La Bricole, there is now another painting challenge being run; this time to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Salamanca. The form it takes this time is to create a small vignette of command figures or morale markers etc. I still haven't entered, but may still yet dive in with a command stand for my Naval landing party!

Another member of the La Bricole family, Kawe (aka Schrumpfkopf of Grossbeeren 1813) has started an online shop selling quirky 28mm figures for wargaming, dioramas etc. He's bypassed the usual infantry marching, charging, firing etc. to concentrate on the more unusual, including Prussian medical services (including ambulance), French engineers in full armour and kilt-clad Highlanders showing everyone what's under their kilts! All the figures are sculpted by the talented and prolific Paul Hicks.

Click the image below to go to the store. There's also a link in the sidebar in the retailers section.

Good luck with the venture, Kawe!


  1. Interesting video (why not in pure napoleonic uniforms instead of the equstrian dress?) Yes the ragged lines especially mean that once the charge is declared
    a/ your not stopping and wheeling
    b/ the rest of a charge move should be in a straight line.
    c/interesting posting/position of the regimental trumpeters (was this the size of a French Napoleonic squadron?

    1. I assume it's the dress uniform of the Guard circa 1970, though they do look a little twee with their neat black ties!

      This looks roughly the size of a regiment as I'd imagine it.

  2. I'd always assume that the trumpeters were dispersed throughout the ranks, but I suppose it make more sense in one block to amplify the command.

    I do like those rude Highlanders - just wonderful!

  3. Rosbif,

    Thank you for the little introdcution mon ami!

  4. Thanks for the link to the video, it was fun to see that many "real" cavalry (as opposed to CGI) making a charge.

    Also, thanks for the link to the Westfalia Mini's, great stuff.

  5. Great find and great to see a real charge. It takes your breath away, doesn't it? Now add muskets and cannons-that would be truly horrible.
