
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Westphalian WIP #5 - Nearly Finished!

Here's some more pictures of my progress on my Westphalian infantry progess.

The first battalion is completed and based, waiting for pretty-fication around the bases. I'm quite happy with the results, so I'll power on with completing a couple of regiments out of the plastic mountain. That is unless I get distracted by something else, or decide to go back to finish another ongoing project, like my Peninsular British and Portuguese, or my Italians, or my Royal Marines and sailors, or.... ;-)

Actually, I'd better get cracking with Jim's Soviets, or he'll start asking me to pay him for the privilege of painting them!

This is just about my favourite figure ever;
A combination of the pose and the paintwork just does it for me! 

The head swaps have really worked, IMHO.

The whole battalion

These two make a great little vignette;
A mini firing line!


  1. Lovely work on the on the Westphalians Rosbif. Really like the painting on these guys.

  2. These are certainly rating as some of my favourites too. The chaps in the top two photographs look wonderful.

  3. These are lovely Monsieur. Very nice muddification, which is always easy to overdo on white uniforms.

  4. It is a very nice pose. 1/72nd is a neglected scale for most gamers, but they are indeed a treasure trove. Best, Dean

  5. A really nice work, those Westphalians look great...

  6. I must say I really love your conversion and painting job on those Westphalians.

    Just keep it coming
