
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter update

Well, I'm down one assignment with one still to go, but I've been busy with my procrastination projects!

My Westphalians are finished, only waiting to be based; I've received my order of 1815 French Infantry from Schilling Zinnfiguren in Germany; and I've started a terrain project using fabric from a pair of old jeans which I cut into strips for roads.

I'll post pictures of the Westphalians and the Schilling figures later in the week, but today I'll share with you my new method for road building.

Early on in this blog I made roads using kitchen sponges and putty, which look excellent but had the disadvantage of curling up when dried so they never lay flat. I solved that problem by gluing them to pieces of thin balsa wood, which worked, but left them thicker than I was intending. I was still left with the problem of having rigid road pieces which could only be used on hills if you didn't mind having ramps, which I do!

After a pair of favourite black jeans wore through around the crotch (Oo-er, Matron! What have I being rubbing against I hear you all ask; get your minds out of the gutter!), I decided to cut the jeans into straight strips and other shapes, like curves, cross-roads, intersections etc. After ironing the strips I initially thought I'd spray them using some left over cans from another terrain project, but that didn't seem to take too well on the denim.

Basic shapes 

First attempt with spray paint

After that, I just slapped on some art acrylic directly on to the fabric and then added a little flock and railway ballast using PVA. The result is a semi-rigid, yet still flexible terrain piece which I think will work well with the rest of my terrain pieces, both bought and home-made!

Painted and railway ballast added with PVA

 Contour hugging finished product.


  1. Fantastic results. It all works really well.

  2. Never thought of using denim! There's a pair of jeans that is destined to appear on a tabletop near here sometime soon...

  3. With kitchen sponges? I'll try it! The result seems very good...

    1. No, Phil! My first attempt used kitchen sponges, but these are made with denim fabric

    2. Ok, I read too fast! Thanks.

  4. Hello,
    a really nice idea to make the streets of the battlefield.
    with friendship

    veramente una bella idea per fare le strade del campo di battaglia.
    con amicizia

  5. Nice one, I've got something similar and it works great, it will greatly improve the look of any battlefield!

  6. These denim roads seems a great idea and allow to follow the slopes without problem!

  7. Genius! From figure hugging jeans to contour hugging terrain!

    1. Too kind, sir, too kind! Although you'd really rather not see me in anything figure hugging these days. Might scare the horses, don't-you-know?

  8. What a great idea!! They look excellent!, well done old boy!!

  9. Simple, clever and I can only guess at what you might do in the future with underwear!

