
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Waiting impatiently

Pictures from Schilling website

While I'm trying to study, I've been showing signs of displacement behaviour with my Westphalians as well as adding to my growing pile of unpainted toys.

I'm waiting impatiently for the delivery of some wonderful looking figures from Schilling Zinnfuguren from Germany. The range extends from 1815 French line and Guard Grenadiers to Brunswick infantry. Hopefully there's more in the pipeline too.

Today I ordered a bunch of sheep, goats, pack mules and an ox-cart from Irregular Miniatures, too. They'll add a little bit of colour to the table and offer some flexibility for scenarios


  1. Good to hear the studying is going well ;)

  2. Keep it coming nice to get some animals and wagons, they do add a touch to the battlefield.

    1. You are in for treat - they are wonderful, wonderful figures and well worth waiting for.

    2. Do you have some Schilling figures? I'd love to see yours. I've always wanted a herd of sheep after seeing yours and what you use them for, ie. indicating the presence of a ford for those who can be bothered scouting and interrogating the shepherds etc.

    3. I don't have any painted, but I have some in bare metal at present. Guard Grenadiers. I'll be using them as plain old Grenadiers though.

  3. Replies
    1. Hi MP,

      I'm doing my Grad. Dip. in Information Studies, ie. how to be a librarian. It's been over 15 years, so I thought it's about time to make it official!
