
Sunday, February 19, 2012

2 ° Reggimento Fanteria - Fusiliers, Command & Voltiguer WIP

Here's the latest off the workbench from my Italian project;. A couple of fusiliers, the command figures and the remaining voltiguer. The command figures are Kennington/SHQ again, while the figures are HaT set 8095.

The officer was sculpted in a surtout rather than the more formal double-breasted jacket, so I've done a paint conversion to make it look as though he's wearing the jacket. Not sure if it worked, though. I can't seem to find out any sources that show what a surtout would look like in this instance. I was thinking of just painting red piping up the front of the jacket, but didn't really like the result. Maybe I'll have to gently slice, or file, the buttons off the front of his jacket to really make it work.

Still some of the finer details to fix, then the last four fusiliers, and they'll all be ready for the shading/varnishing process and basing.

(Sorry about the lighting; I should only take pictures during the day with the help of artificial light, rather than relying solely on the lamp for illumination!)


  1. Great painting, I do like the random coloured trousers, they just add a dash of colour to the unit.

    1. Thanks, Ray!

      I do it to add variety to a unit, especially if I've got more than one figure of the same pose in a unit. Over-trousers in this period were often made of any old cloth that came to hand and brown, especially in Spain, was a common colour.

  2. They are looking good, cant wait to see the finished unit.

  3. I agree with Ray, the campaign look is great! May I suggest another highlight layer on the coat-front of the officer? While you nailed the shape of the red frontage it still lacks depth.

    Cheers Sander

  4. This unit is really taking shape; can't wait to see the massed ranks altogether, as it were.

  5. Nice work Rosbif. I agree to, the campaign look really does look good.
