
Saturday, January 21, 2012

1 ° Reggimento Fanteria

After returning from the beach all tanned and rested, it's back into the blogosphere with my entry in the 1st Annual la Bricole Painting Competition!

I chose to add to my Italian Guard figures with some Italian line infantry, namely the Italian division from Eugene's Army of Italy that fought Archduke John in Northern Italy in 1809. For the competition I'm painting the 1st batallions of the 1st and 2nd Line Regiments, but will probably eventually paint up the whole division from the OB of the Battle of the Piave.

So far I've only painted the grenadiers of the 1st batallion, but now I'm home with only one week of holidays left (cue much wailing and gnashing of teeth!), I'm planning to put what time I've got left to painting these chaps (weather permitting!)

The figures are HaT's French line infantry (set 8095) although I have metal SHQ/Kennigton figures for the command stand. I'm using the websites Napitalia and Histunif as my painting guides and will use the flags from Vexillologique Militaire Europeene to adorn the batallions' eagles.

I'll also be putting up the AAR for the 2nd Great Refight of Wagram from the recently passed Wonderful Wargame Weekend in the next few days, so stay tuned!


  1. Nice looking figures - the uniform is really exquisite. Best, Dean

  2. Nice clear paintjob there. Good luck with the competition

  3. Great to have you back and best of luck for the competition. Must be in with a shout with work of this quality.

  4. Good luck with the competition, Rosbif.

  5. White-coated figures are a difficult atsk, but the yours look superbeb. Waiting your Wagram AAR with some envy (here it's a foggy day at 5ºC)

  6. Good start. Rafa is right, white uniforms are difficult but you have done a good job.

  7. Great start Rosbif. Good luck with the competition.

  8. Nice work indeed, but having done some Italians for a commission myself I'm predicting you'll be sick of painting white uniforms come the end! :-p I am very curious after the end-result!

    cheers Sander
