
Saturday, November 5, 2011


Yes, la Bricole is back on the air after the server was migrated (whatever that means). It was hors de combat for a good month or so, but is now back for business!

The administrator, Robert, of Serrez la Rangs and West Tokyo Wargamers fame, has managed to resurrect it although cosmetically it hasn't survived unchanged, but full functionality is restored. It was a shame because it's the one wargaming forum that is totally dedicated to the Napoleonic period and has a bunch of keen devotees of the period who are very supportive and full of good advice and encouragement, not to mention good cheer. It was a bit like going cold turkey, not having access to the forum! I was beginning to think that the life-support system had been switched off and the poor old thing was struggling against the odds to come back, but in a remarkable Dr. Who like regeneration, la Bricole lives again!


  1. Despite the trauma and hassles of trying to deal with Forumer, I missed la Bricole too.

    I'm glad it's back, and it's good to see you posting there again.

    Hopefully the cosmetic issues will work out in time, but for now, it's time to get some painting done!
