
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Chasseurs in pink! #2

Here's the first cab off the rank, and I'm quite pleased with him.

Rather than splash out on a pot of pink paint which I probably wouldn't use again, I rummaged around in the kids' art stuff and came across a tube of artist's acrylic that seemed to fit the bill and hey, presto! Pink facings!

Who's a pretty boy, then?

I still need to tidy up the epaulets and other minor details but I'm happy with it. I've painted a couple of other figures, including the officer, but I think he's the pick of the crop so far.


  1. A very sharp looking fellow - I think I shall have to raise a pinkish legion. Lancers of Berg, I think.

  2. Excellent, what a lovely shade of Pink!!!

  3. Gorgeous! wonderful paint job my good man.

  4. 100% agreement with the previous comments. Looks really good and the unit likely will be impressive on a table

  5. Good job, I like the French cav that wear the green.

  6. Thanks for the kind words, all!

    @Treb - You're a wordsmith, mate! Shakespeare should blush for shame!

    See you at the club on Saturday.

  7. Gotta love the pink! Maybe its the poles, maybe it's the berg, it is always a pleasure.
