
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pictures update

Below are the pictures sent by Robin of the past weekend's game whose AAR you can read in the Bavaria 1809 post. He's also sent some pictures of the last Aspern-Essling working bee at Tim's which I couldn't make it to. It looks like we're ready to go soon. There's one more weekend working bee to apply the flock and it'll be ready. I've been entrusted to build the dyke between the 2 villages, so I'd better get cracking!

Geoff's French forces facing my Austrians in the centre of the battlefield

Pete's Austrians holding the left flank.

Andrew's French putting pressure on Pete's Austrians

Your humble correspondent making his move while everyone else looks on. "I wouldn't have done that if I was you". Everyone's an expert ;-). Geoff looking uninterested in events .
Painting the Marchfeld

Roads, fields and rivers being expertly applied by Tim and John

Lovely rear view, Quinny!

Quinny surveys the mighty Danube.

Garry hard at work

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