
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Birthday Loot

I've had a pretty successful haul from my birthday (not surprising, as I forwarded my online wishlists to my nearest and dearest!) In time for opening on the day were Bloody Albuera and Charge! which I was disappointed to have to leave at home after only a quick perusal.

I'm still waiting on the Napoleonic Wars Experience and the Osprey book on the Portuguese army, but am assured it will come shortly. The Napoleonic Wars Experience looks like a nice big coffee table book with lots of shiny, shiny pictures, but I doubt if it'll have anything new in it. It is by one of my favourite authors, though,
Richard Holmes, who wrote Redcoat, Sahib and Tommy covering
the golden age of British infantry. He is brilliant in describing the everyday life of soldiers on campaign, putting their recollections in the context of the politics, campaigns and society of the day

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