
Monday, July 26, 2010

Table-top tragedy!

I had a non-campaign game on Saturday, but again forgot to bring the camera. I need to tattoo a reminder on my forehead!

Anyway, my French were up against Pete's Austrians and Jim's Russians with Tim partnering me using my figures. On my flank I was up against the Austrians but didn't fight them using the right tactics. In other games, I've been able to stop them in their tracks by marching up to them in line, or l'ordre mixte, and engaging them in a firefight, which in our rules means both sides firing simultaneously and then taking an immediate morale check. Usually, if they've been peppered by skirmishers and had a figure or two knocked off by artillery, they're fairly fragile and can be put to flight after the superior firepower of the French infantry is brought to bear in a firefight.

In this match, Pete's jaegers were far superior than my own skirmishers, which prevented me from inflicting disorders on his line infantry, and the terrain negated the effective use of artillery against each other's infantry. The upshot was that his massive battalions steamed forward and weight of numbers told against me. He used his jaegers effectively against me, racking up disorders, then formed them up for a charge, which went through 3 (yes, 3!) battalions, effectively winning the game for him. I narrowly saved a divisional morale check, but it was all over by then. I did have one chance of pulling something out of the fire when I deployed a battalion in line on the edge of the vineyard to fire on the flank of an approaching Austrian conscript battalion, but they survived the resulting morale test by the barest of margins. But, that was all they needed.

My cavalry was not well handled either, as I split my cuirrassiers and dragoons into two wings and sent the dragoons too far to the right flank where they were splattered by Jim's 12lb-ers, then Pete's infantry closed column marched up and gave it the coup-de-gras; bye-bye dragoons. My cuirassiers played a blocking role against Pete's hussars, but by the time I withdrew them to help the infantry, it was too late.

The result was I failed the second divisional morale test and had to retire, which then caused Tim to conform with my movement after he had had an inconclusive battle against Jim's Russkis.

I've started a new terrain project; tabletop covering using rubber interlocking tiles. I got the idea from this website, but the price was a bit out of my range (to cover a 8' x 6' area was going to cost almost $245 USD, including postage, which works out at around $274 AUD). I've found that Clarks Rubber here in Australia sell a 4' x 6' pack of anti-fatigue floor tiles complete with edging for $45 AUD. I've used the spray paints I already owned and will probably have to shell out a bit more for another can of paint, some more white glue and another packet of flock, and then start the process again next payday for another set to cover the standard 8' x 6' double table top we generally play on at the club. I reckon I'll still come out way ahead. I'm not saying that the quality will be exactly the same, but I think mine will be up to weekly club game standards.

Spray painted tiles in 4'x6' configuration using 2 shades green and tan

Close up of interlocking teeth. All yet to be flocked.

How I keep off boredom during meetings! Napoleonic doodle

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you had a bit of a grubbing handed to you but even then if you can enjoy it you can always learn from it and hopefully hand out a grubbing next time
