
Monday, January 9, 2017

Austerlitz 2017 Teaser

Just a few pictures to whet the appetite before I organise my photos for the full battle report. 

This game took place on the weekend just passed at Tim and Jill's place in Drouin, an hour or so south-east of Melbourne, in our club's semi-annual Napoleonic big battle re-creation. The table this year was the biggest yet, though the troop numbers didn't match the mega-battles like Borodino or Aspern-Essling/Wagram. As a result there was a lot of room for manoeuvring in what turned out to be a free-wheeling bloody see-saw of a game.

Again, our gracious hosts put on a great weekend for us complete with Jill's wonderful food. She certainly knows how to spoil a bunch of hungry wargamers! Tim's tabletops really are a work of art, but the fact that he'd been working on them since May probably goes some way to explain why. Darren and Andrew S. (who in the end couldn't make it) put in the hard yards of working out the battlefield and the Order of Battle for both sides, and Darren also came up with the highly successful special fog rules. Thanks also to everyone who painted the figures for the game.

With the action around Tellnitz and Sokolnitz stabilised, the action continues around the Pratzen heights and points north. On the left, from closest to camera: James, Andrew B., Bill, Darren, Baden, Jenko and Tim. Vana is somewhere behind this bunch. On the right from closest to camera: Jim, Robin, Nigel and Quinny. Paul, Garry, John and myself are catching some refreshing breezes outside the garage while the combats to the north are resolved.

Wargaming in style: alfresco drinks between moves
The tabletop as superimposed on the map