
Thursday, May 5, 2016

My Pinterest Pages

I've added an icon in the right hand column which links through to my Pinterest boards where I've been collecting images in three separate areas of interest, namely:

  1. Napoleonic British and Allies
  2. Napoleonic French and Allies
  3. Late Antiquity
The two Napoleonic boards feature mainly images relating to the Peninsular War, but also have relevance to Waterloo. As you'll have guessed, there aren't any Russian, Prussian or Austrian pictures yet, but if I end up planning any of those armies, you'll probably find a corresponding growth in Pinterest boards!

If you haven't already registered for Pinterest, you can log in using your Facebook or Google+ accounts, and then get full access to the boards.

If you already have registered for Pinterest, enjoy!


  1. Now that's a clever idea, I really need to have a closer look at Pinterest.

  2. Those are some very nice boards. I joined Pinterest a while back just so I could look at other peoples' boards. I haven't done much with it since then though.
