
Friday, September 26, 2014

Rgt. Nr.2 Herzog Wilhelm

Here's the latest off the workbench; my first unit of Wurttemberg infantry. All figures are from HaT Set 8093 and the flag is from Napflags

I know I said that I'd be using the 1809 order of battle, but these troops have been painted in the 1810 version of the uniform. I liked the idea of orange facings, so, the 1810 version it is! Also inaccurate are the brass reinforcing bands on the helmets, but I liked the look of the pimped up hats, so they stayed.

There are 3 converted figure: the flag bearer, one of the grenadiers and the NCO. There's only one pose of a marching grenadier, so as there's no difference with the fusiliers besides headgear, I replaced the head of one of the marching fusilers with that of a grenadier. Similarly, I'd used the fusilier NCO as the flag bearer after carving out his musket and hand and replacing it with a flag pole and hand from the British Peninsular Infantry Command set (minus the tassle). Rather than repeat the the same figure in the unit, I used the grenadier NCO (which was the source of the marching grenadier's head) and popped the spare fusilier head on him!

Thanks for the good wishes during my recent illness. I tell you, it was touch and go there for a while. I couldn't have pulled through without you!


  1. I like the orange facings and your Wurttembergers look great!

  2. They look great. What basing size have do you use for the individual figure please? I'm using 15mm by 20mm and what you've doen looks similar.

    1. Our rules call for basing according to no. of ranks; 3 rank figures are on a 12 x 20mm base per figure and 2 rank are on a 16 x 20mm base per figure

  3. Glad to hear you are back non the road to health!

  4. Great to have you back to full health Ben and producing more fine looking units!
