
Friday, April 18, 2014

Peninsular War British Heavy Dragoons

These have been a while coming!

 We've finally had some really heavy rain, the first in about 3 months, and it hasn't been good weather for varnishing, I tell you. I had the first week of the school holidays off while my wife worked, and she's had this week off work while I went back for the 4 days before Easter. Anyway, the first few days of the holidays it rained for something  like 4 days straight. The air was extremely humid and affected the sparay varnish dramatically; all the figures I tried to varnish in that period got the Retreat from Moscow look, covered in white snow!

As a result I had to resort to FMB's and Panzer Kaput's patented olive oil repair trick to recover the damage, but was a little heavy handed in the application of the oil. Despite acouple of coats of matt varnish, they remain slightly glossier than I like.

So, below are the 4th Queen's Own Dragoons ready for service!

And because it's Good Friday, here's a picture of a Hot Cross Bunny (Oh, I'm a sinner, I know!)


  1. Hot cross bunny, cute. Nice job on the Dragoons, as well. I agree with you, I hate it when the hunidity gunks up the spraying, especially the 'clear coat!'

  2. Lovely job, but sorry to hear about the frosting - you seem to have got the better of it though.

  3. Those Hat dragoons look great in the bicornes, lovely painting as usual. With those facings they could double as VDG too, my Dad's old regiment (he didn't wear this uniform though)!

  4. Nice figures Rosbif, a bugger about the frosting! Nice save!
