
Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Surprise and Bav Cav WIP

I'd ordered some spare heads for conversion some time ago from Franznap, which arrived last week. Francesco had let me know that he was sending a little something else along with it as a surprise. I was intrigued, expecting a single figure or something similar. What I wasn't expecting were a set each of his Neapolitan Veliti of the Guard command and fusilier sets!

Both pictures courtesy of
They are exquisite! I might just have to start a Neapolitan army, now. Maybe from the OOB of Murat's last hurrah, the Battle of Tolentino, 1815?

Thanks very much for your generosity, Francesco; It was much more than I was expecting!

Francesco's also in discussion with Nic from Eureka Miniatures to see if Eureka can be the local manufacturer/distributor for his range. I'm crossing my fingers that something can be arranged, because the postal charges from the Netherlands to Australia make ordering there wonderful figures an exercise in economic insanity (which I have been known to suffer from). Best of luck with the venture, Francesco!

Anyway, after receiving the heads I'd ordered, I wanted to try them out, of course! They're probably a little on the small side for use with the chunky HaT 8095 figures, but they're perfect for HaT's later output of finer, more slender figures like set 8146 1805-1808 French Infantry in Greatcoats.

I've started the Bavarian cavalry using HaT 8030 Bavarian cavalry, but I'm experimenting with horses because having wooden poses in both rider and horse isn't appealing to me . I've used horses from the Esci Polish Lancers set which seem a good match, but realised just now that the reason they look a little odd is that they don't have reins! Maybe I'll bodge something up; strips of paper or fine string, possibly?

I've also used a horse from Italeri set 6016, French Imperial General Staff, which is a better fit aesthetically.

1 comment:

  1. Your a lucky man Rosbif,

    If there was a well sized 20mm metal range in the Franznap style I would be very tempted into it.

    We just shifted a huge amour of our old 1/72 scale plastic at a bring and buy as the paint was just coming away and we didn't use them. Sad to see them go but what can you do?

    Fingers crossed for the Eureka discussions as I would really like to try painting some of Fracescos cavalry.
