
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What I Did on Bastille Day

This post is bit late to celebrate the actual day, but I painted a couple of French figures on Sunday that I thought came out particularly well. I've experimented with using Italeri figures from set 6092 with heads from HaT set 8095.

I have a love/hate relationship with Italeri; their production values are very high, and I love the hard plastic of the figures. What I hate is the stupid poses they sculpt, and the niggling historical inaccuracies. Also, this sculptor has a thing about necks and chins; none of the figures feature either body-part. The bicornes sculpted on the originals also look like they're likely to take off in a stiff breeze they're so huge!

Anyway, below are the two command figures from the Italeri set sporting the heads from HaT. I reckon they're a pretty good combo!


  1. Hmmm... I thought you were celebrating by beheading nobles

  2. Splendid, although I thought all the chinless wonders were dispatched by Madame Guillotine!

  3. Very nice results there Mr Rosbif!!

  4. Excellent figures Rosbif,
    I see you have changed your painting style a bit?
    Great head swaps!

  5. I agree, good Bastille Day choices. Nice conversions.

  6. Python... superb!

    Lovely conversions and painting too Ben!!

  7. Totally agree about the lack of necks and chins on the Italeri figures- giving them head swaps is a great solution.
    Great work !
