
Thursday, May 9, 2013

I'm So Proud of Myself....

....for having been indirectly responsible for starting my first flame war on TMP! I've really joined the big time now!

Backstory: Armand, the Arch-linker from Argentina, had put a link to my last book review. My only involvement in the thread was to thank Armand for the link. That's all I thought was going to come of the post, besides sending a few visits to the blog my way.

How wrong I was! It has turned into a curmudgeonly conflict between supporters of Boney and supporters of Old Nosey. I was going to dip my oar in at one stage to reiterate some of the author's main points, because it seems obvious to me neither of the main combatants have read the book (let alone my review!), but never got round to it. Now it's gone beyond a reasonable or sensible disagreement into the realms of online duel! I'm keeping my head below the parapet on this one, but enjoying the spectacle of (mainly) two people blowing intellectual raspberries at each other, neither giving in to the other's point of view. If you'd like to poke the bear with a stick, feel free to contribute to the debate, but I'm staying well away from this one! I have made a vow never to venture an opinion on TMP, as you are more than likely to start a festival of bitch-slapping like this!

Check it out here!


  1. Your just a bloody trouble maker!!!!!

  2. Lol!! I was going to call you a "bloody stirrer" but Ray beat me to it.

    1. To Ray and Treb,

      Ahe-he-hem... (affects best Sahf London geezer accent)

      "It weren't me, Guv'na, honest! It woz Armand wot dun it. It's a fit up. I been stitched up like a kippah!"

      Pauses for applause...not a sausage...oh well!

  3. Well that's for sticking your Boney Nose into things that should be left alone LOL! No seriously, I really don't get these kind of things, it's why I have pretty much stopped participating in fora and have become a lurker in true form.

    Good luck my Friend!

  4. A classic example of GIFT.

    1. You hit the nail on the head, Conrad! TMP seems to be rife with examples.

  5. I don't go to TMP often, but I've seen that on other sites as well. Some time ago I would join in and try to conciliate both parts and all that...
    Now I know better! Yes, it's useless and more fun just to watch! It's like a drunk, let the others have one if they want!

  6. Light the blue touch paper and retire...

  7. Ray called it!

    I know a few bloggers who won't post up there because of nonsense like that. Really annoying when a flame war bursts out in a painting post up too. Or the old "those spears aren't long enough for X period/troops!"

  8. I'm not even sure that you baited the hook, but still ended up with a boatful...

    On a different slant, I like a bit of passion. It is always good to recognised one's biases and to challenge them or to have them challenged. It is not so good when debate becomes personal though. In defence of TMP, I have found numerous useful links there and read some interesting discussion too.

    That said, I far prefer the "if you don't have anything positive (or humorous) to say then say nothing at all" approach of our community of wargaming blogs. A marvellous un-written rule amongst discerning gentlemen and ladies.

  9. Good thing you are downunder... I am not sure I could do with such a troublemaker in my neighborhood! ;-)

  10. Mr Rosbif: on a different blog with a rant about that other big Flamewar subject GW, I found this song which says it all really..

  11. Watch this video!

  12. A bit late as is my way ... but ... it's a bit sad the way things can go all pear shaped and personal 'over there'. Some people really do appear to be determinedly blinkered in their beliefs and seem to be prepared to die in the ditch to protect their views irrespective of others input.

    Sad and sadly off putting for some who would otherwise partake. Even worse such behaviour can turn people off Napoleonics.

    Oh, and what a sh*t stirrer M. Rosbif

    von Peter himself
