
Monday, May 13, 2013

French Shako Distinctions

From Napoleon, His Army and Enemies
After Rafa's comment on my last post, I trawled the web for images of French Napoleonic shako evolution and this one was the one that caught my eye. It shows, pre-Bardin elite shakos with coloured tape around the top and bottom.
This image (above) from the sister website of the first indicates that red tape was worn around the top and bottom of shakos pre-1812, but isn't conclusive about voltiguers' headgear.

Rousselot image from
The image above shows a voltiguer in pre-1812 regulation uniform with yellow bands on his shako under green cords.

I reckon that's conclusive enough evidence for me! What I'll do is get rid of the chevrons which, as Rafa pointed out, are indicative of the Bardin uniform changes, and go for the bands around the top and bottom of the shako as indicated in the images above.

On another tack, I'm a winner! I've managed to score the above book from the generous Burkhard at dhcwargamesblog in his blog-birthday sweep. I've heard lots about this controversial book, but haven't got around to finding a copy, so here's my chance.


  1. A great research!
    Incidentally, the Hofschroer is worth reading

  2. Saw that you'd won, congratulations!

  3. Now this is why I stay away from the Napoleonic era, a veritable minefield of uniform faux pas for the unwary. I am in admiration of all that fear to tread.

  4. This is one of the many problems about collecting Napoleonics, just how many different uniforms did regts have in what, in reality is just a short space of time? How bloody inconsiderate of them, didn't they realise that 200 years later we've gotta paint them and try to work out how??? Well done on the book win too, that does look an interesting book and unusual from the Prussian point of view.

    1. @Michael and Ray - Conversely, you can usually make a case in support of your mistakes by claiming that the unit you're painting was the only one with yellow widgets on their toggles! Only the most dedicated Napoleonic button-counter could tell you otherwise. Blind them with bullsh!t, I say!

    2. I should hastily add that I appreciate Rafa's advice and do not count him one of the Napoleonic button-counter brigade. :-0

  5. I have to echo, echo, echo the rest and say that you Napoleonic painters have the hardest job. I got cr@p one time when a fellow at TMP said my Xystophoroi didn't have long enough spears. You have to put up with that kind thing all the time! I don't know how you manage. ;-)

  6. I just found this blog the other day and have been admiring your games ever since. The rules look very interesting as well. With a recommended frontage of 12mm for infantry figs, how do you manage to base Front Rank or Calpe minatures?

    1. Hi Ron,

      Welcome aboard!

      The rules were really set up for 25mm figures, so 28s are a little crowded compared to my 1/72nd figures. I'm sure if you trawl through my battle reports you will find some images of Front Rank and Calpe figures. Click on the January Battles label for some of the best images of other members' 28mm figures and you'll see what I mean.

  7. Excellent links.
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. I know the feeling... I can hardly r emember how often I have had to do research for some minimal uniform detail. But then, most of the time I actually find the researchntombe fun!

    The book is in the mail right now... Hope you will enjoy it!

