
Friday, March 22, 2013

FranzNap Chevau-Leger WIP #2

The horse is painted, rider mounted and lance pennant attached. Now to paint the rest and base them.

They're almost alive, these figures, I reckon. The horse is swishing flies away with his tail, and you can almost see him getting ready to snort and shake his head! The rider's leaning forward as if to get a clearer view of something that's caught his attention in the distance, while carelessly letting his lance tip drop.

I'm looking forward to painting more of them!


  1. That's a great pose, wonder what he's spotted??

  2. They are very nice figures and your painting skills have added to them, very nice.

  3. Lovely figure - the pose is elegant. Best, Dean

  4. Beautiful Rosbif, you must be most pleased with the result. An ideal figure as a skirmisher, as you say in your description.

  5. Beautifully painted Ben - the horses pose is a beauty too.

  6. Ben very great work indeed, i like also the way you describe it, i feel these minis went to the right soul....
