
Saturday, February 9, 2013

I'm Interested in Apathy!

It's been a quiet time on the wargaming front at Château Rosbif, not only because I've been back at work for a week, but because our car, affectionately known as Bertie, has been at the panel beater's for a fortnight after a numpty in a 4WD reversed into the driver's side door while my wife was going about her business. His excuse? "I didn't see you"!

Anyway, he admitted liability so we weren't out of pocket, but it meant that we were reduced to public transport for a fortnight. No wargaming for M. Rosbif!

Also, the weather's been hot and humid; not very conducive to painting, I think you'd agree, but I couldn't even muster the energy to do a little conversion work for the Italian artillery I've got on the assembly line next! Wargaming and the painting challenge have well and truly taken a back seat this last week. Ennui has settled in!

Anyway, with the prospect of a cool change in the wings I might be able to work up the energy to tackle the next project: the Italian horse artillery for IV Corps, followed by the foot artillery. The horse artillery will use the bodies of the Italeri Guard horse artillery with Zvezda Voltiguer heads like I did with a previous conversion.

There are some discrepancies from the source material I'm using though: no epaulets, or tails on these figures, but I don't think that will matter too much in the long run.

Image from


  1. Your conversión is a good option. The campign dress of these Italian do not carry eppaulettes, so the problem is solved if you elliminate or don't paint the red braid in the coat

  2. I am looking forward to seeing these

  3. Very interesting! Looking forward to see more from the Italian horse artillery.
