
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Challenge Entry #5

I managed to get a bit of painting done while I was down at the beach in between surfing and bird feeding! I finished another battalion of Schilling French infantry, including the conversion I posted earlier of the infantryman in the pokalem. I have also included an officer figure by SHQ/Kennington to add a bit of variation.

I've fallen back in the league tables to 19th out of 47 with 219 points; this little lot garnering me another 26 points. Time enough to catch up with more of the Borodino IV Corps, Soviets and maybe some late Romans too!.


  1. A nice unit Mr Rosbif Sir ... but it seems to me that you are slacking somewhat. A fall in the league table rankings is unforgivable! Get cracking!! 8O)

    von Peter himself ... who would be firmly rooted to the bottom of any league table that was based on painting output

  2. Looks good. Don't think I've seen this make of figure before.

  3. Very nice and clean painting. The Schilling Figuren really are a treat. I do love their Retreat from Moscow rane.

  4. Lovely job - they look very grungy - just like veterans on campaign! Love Kenningtons figures - best 20mm around IMO - shed a tear or two when I had to sell mine off!

