
Friday, October 12, 2012

Italian Conscript of the Guard

Here's the first test figure for the Italian Conscripts of the Guard using the HaT French Chasseurs sets. 

Everything turned out fine, except for the shoulder tabs. I realised too late that the Conscripts of the Guard had the same kit as a regular legere infantryman EXCEPT for the epaulets! I've opted to just paint over them rather than try to trim them, on this figure at least. Getting a knife around his shoulders, in this pose particularly, wasn't very appealing. The other (non-firing) poses might lend themselves to a little judicious knife-work, but this chap has survived with shoulders intact!


  1. Great work there and lovely paintjob. You know someone well notice it and say blah blah, ...........

  2. Very very nice painting Rosbif.

  3. Looks good. I don't think the epaullettes will be an issue, especially once they're on the table.

  4. Nice painting: lots of detail!

  5. great stuff, I am curious how the completed unit will look in the end!

  6. Looks great. The colors are spot on. Best, Dean
