
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bloggers of the World, Unite!

This is an accurate representation of von Peter himself, honest (forgot to take any photos!)

I spent a very pleasant half hour (unfortunately it couldn't be longer due to work, dammit!) today at lunchtime catching up with another antipodean blogger of the Kiwi variety, von Peter himself.

von Peter was gracing Melbourne to see the Napoleon exhibition and take in some of the other attractions available in our fair city, so we made arrangements to meet. As I'm a local and have never actually stayed in a hotel here, I was tested trying to find his accommodation by the agreed time. It didn't help that there were 3 different locations of the same hotel, all tucked down our famous alleyways! Anyway, I found him and we repaired to one of the alleyway nooks for a coffee, kindly shouted by von Peter himself.

I showed him my entry for the La Bricole Summer Painting Challenge in person and got some very nice feedback. We compared rules, figures and generally talked shop for the rest of the time available. I've come to the conclusion that historical wargaming bloggers are a decent bunch of chaps whatever corner of the globe they come from and I wasn't disappointed in this instance.

It's amazing to think of a Kiwi and an Aussie talking about a long dead Frenchman on the other side of the world from his greatest exploits. We both marveled at the technology that brought us together; we wouldn't have even heard of each other before blogging, let alone been able to actually organise the meeting without email.

The world really is shrinking!


  1. Face to face is still the best way to exchange ideas. It is great when technology helps.

  2. The net is amazing, all the Partizan games I organise are done over the net and in forums. It has made the world slower.

    Mind you ANZACs talking about the French, Whatever next? lol.

  3. A great story, it really is a wonderful hobby we all share.

  4. Bingo! I agree completely. I find my fellow bloggers to be a standup bunch. I've had responses and tips shared from everyone that I've ever reached out to via email. And I wish I could afford to travel because some of the overseas bloggers have offered to (like you did) show me the town. These are the best of days!

  5. happy birthday rosbif!! from mrs rosbif and la petite rosbifs!!!!


    1. howdeedoodeethere. smirkling farty twa birthday!

      vomit belly squeezes

      spray di brain goo

  6. Hello Monsieur le Rosbif

    It was great to meet face to face. I certainly enjoyed our time together. Perhaps we'll meet again on one side of the Tasman or other.

    I particularly like the pixellated picture of me. It sure helps!! 8O)

    Oh, and Happy Birthday!

    von Peter himself
