
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Royal Navy WIP and More Soviets

Work goes head on my naval gun emplacement. I bodged up some gabions using flywire and putty and used more putty for the earthen bank. I've decided to abandon the idea of ropes and pulleys as there isn't enough room.

The first couple of photos show the set up without figures and the last couple with figures and coarse texture gel added. When the gel is dried, it'll be painted and flocking added.

As proof for Jimbo, here's an update on his Soviets. There's more in the pipeline Jim! 

Luckily he's a patient man, because life, study and my own projects keep getting in the way of finishing his commission!


  1. I really like the scratch made gabions. I've never seen that before! Hopefully, you didn't harvest it from a screen door. :-)

  2. great stuff, the gabions indeed look like solid work and I am curious after the end results.

  3. Wonderful work, and unusual for the gabions!
