
Thursday, July 19, 2012

NWA Open Day- Games 2012

Yes, it's on again! This time I'm spruiking it a little earlier than last time. Hopefully some of my Antipodean followers might be able to make it this time if they're in the area!

Below is the text from the club's newsletter regarding the line up so far. If there are any updates I'll post them here as well. Traders have been invited but not confirmed as yet, so I'll post a list of those definitely coming once the list is finalised

The NWA Open Day – Games 2012 – will be held on Saturday, 4th of August, 2012, at the Croydon Uniting Church (Tallent Street, Croydon – Melway Map Ref: 52 K2).

Doors open to the public at 10.00 AM and closes at 4.00 PM. Admission FREE!

Games that will be presented on the day (confirmed) will be:
·        Borodino 1812 (Cold Steel 28mm)                              Mike Goldyn & John Waligora
·        Waterloo 1815 (FoGN 15mm)                                      John Shaw
·        Legends of the Old West (28mm)                                 Darren Paterson
·        American Civil War Skirmish (28mm)                          Charles Csabi
·        Stalingrad WW2 (Book of Armaments 20mm)            Stephen White
·        I-48 Stalingrad (I-48 WW2 Skirmish 28mm)                Brendan Day
·        Lord of the Rings (LotR 28mm)                                     Jeremy Shannon
·        Victorian Sci-Fi (Gaslight 28mm)                                 Neil Hughes
·        Super Heroes (Super System 28mm)                          James Wright
*     Kokoda 1942 (Crossfire 15mm)                                  Michael Stringer

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a blissful weekend Ben. Please take heaps of photos of the Borodino and Waterloo games!
