
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Military Medal Mystery #2

I'm fleshing out the bones of our mysterious S. Bradshaw, although I haven't found the citation for his MM yet. What I have found is that his first name was Sidney and he served in the 7th Battalion of the Border Regt.

Here is his entry from the British Army WWI Medal Rolls Index Cards showing his eligibility for the 1914-15 Star, the Victory Medal and the British War Medal, but no mention of his MM. This card indicates he joined up in 1915 and served in France.


  1. Interesting!! but I can't see the photo?

    1. Sorry! I've uploaded another version of the image. Can you all see it now?

  2. Here is some information of the 7th Battalion Borders
    7th (Service) Battalion
    Formed at Carlisle on 7 September 1914 as part of K2 and attached to 51st Brigade in 17th (Northern) Division. Moved to Andover and on to Bovington in January 1915. Moved to Winchester in June 1915.
    Landed at Boulogne 15 July 1915.
    22 September 1917 : absorbed the dismounted Westmoreland and Cumberland Yeomanry and renamed 7th (Westmoreland and Cumberland Yeomanry) Bn.

    Hope that helps

  3. There is a mention in the Edinburgh Gazette that states his name, army number and sites that he received the Military Medal, July 17 1917. The battle was Passchendael and this also is the same day the Royals changed it name to Windsor

    1. Thanks for that, PK. That was a real find!

      I've found it now, too, so I'll take an image and post it soon.

  4. Absolutely fascinating. Something lost to history is found and remembered.

  5. Excellent info, this is fascinating!!
