
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What I did on the weekend

Even though the weather turned back to winter after a brief spring-like burst of weather, the NWA open day was a great success, as it usually is, with traders, display tables and games a-plenty. The raffle is always worthwhile and your humble correspondent actually won a prize of scenery, comprising a forest of trees and bases and a mould for casting your own hills!

Below is a pictorial record of some of the displays and games held during the day, starting with the Cold Steel chaps and their scenario. (Apparently, by the time I got there Ney had been killed and the French were having a hard time holding the line!)
Picton rallying the troops

95th Rifles mercilessly harassing the French

French line under pressure

Bird's-eye view of the battlefield

Secrets of the 3rd Reich; Stalingrad 1949

Nazi walker and friends

Soviet spider-tank!

That's taking the 'Reds' a bit too far!

Flames of War: Invasion of Crete

German glider and Fallschirmjager

Stukas hammering the Commonwealth forces

The War Between the States; 1st Bull Run or Manassass

The wonderfully detailed battlefield

Gary, Charles, Jim and Jenko (can you tell the last 3 are also re-enactors?!)

Federal observation tower

Some of the Union forces

Washington society picnic while waiting for the Rebs to be given what-for!

Genteel conversation

Huzzah for the Union!

New York Highlanders

Union Zouaves and line troops

The line advances leaving a trail of dead!

Here comes Johnny Reb!

Lord of the Rings; Helms Deep

Uruk-Hai catapult

More Uruk-Hai scale the siege ladders.

The gate is breached!

Roundheads and Cavaliers go at it.

The cavalry go in!

Heffalumps about to squash infantry!

Some of the lovely weather! (note the early blossom, too)


  1. Some great photo's, looks like you had a great day out, the Helm's deep terrain looks very impressive.

  2. A good wargaming day it seems! I like Picton and his umbrella
    Regards from sunny Spain

  3. Some very nice games in those photos. I great way to spend the day.

  4. Who cares about the weather with such a variety of games displayed? Brilliant indeed. Wish we had those fantastic conventions here in Spain... but at least we have the sun ;-)

  5. Wow. That is a great looking bunch of games. Will we see some pictures of the cast hills soon?
