
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Granaderos Español

My fictional unit of converged grenadiers has been completed and seen its first action last Friday (more on that anon). They didn't cover themselves in glory, but neither did they flee the battlefield, so not a totally disgraceful beginning!
I initially had a grenadier figure attached to each line battalion, mistakenly assuming that they were organised like the French. I realised recently that all grenadiers were gathered together in the 1st battalion which consited of 4 companies of greandiers and 4 of fusiliers. Not wanting to rearrange all my Spanish battalions, I decided to make a converged grenadier battalion that would let me indulge in a little colourful decoration. As I had no officer figure amongst the SHQ/Kennington grenadier figures, I decided to create my own from a HaT French light infantry officer, with the head of a Guard Chasseur figure and added the bag and boot-tops with Milliput. As the original figure's sword was more of a butter-knife, I chopped it off and replaced it with a more impressive cavalry sabre from the Italeri Light Cavalry set. Even though he's slightly taller and his bearskin is not as tapered as the rest, I quite like the result!
Converted officer figure front view...
...and rear view.
Whole unit in line
Rear view showing bag of figure of  Regimiento Cordoba
Officer and infantryman of Rgto. Zaragoza
Rear view of officer's bearskin bag.
Rgto. Reina
Rgto. Irlanda


  1. Pretty cool conversion, good work.

  2. Great job seriously! I need to buy some of those SHQ.

  3. I agree sincerely! a very godd and ingenious conversion

  4. A very neat job - I hadn't seen the Kennington Grenadiers before and was glad of the opportunity.
