
Monday, December 13, 2010

Spanish WIP #4

I didn't manage to get to the club for the last meeting this weekend, although I had planned to; family matters got in the way. Sorry chaps!

It was shaping up to be another Franco-Austrian ding-dong in preparation for the January game. My last chance to get some Austrian practice under my belt, gone!

Anyway, my time away from the tables hasn't been wasted. Here's my latest offerings; The completed Walloon Guards and the Regimiento Irlandais in progress. The Walloons got a battle in last week, although I hadn't shaded or varnished them or completed their bases. These pictures show them finally finished properly. Apologies for the poor lighting; still haven't got the hang of taking indoor pictures on the camera. The top 2 pictures show the 'Irish' regiment Irlandais painted, but awaiting the Army Painter treatment and basing.

I'll try some head conversions next, to create the Toledo regiment in bell-top shakos.

 Regimiento Irlandais.


 Walloon Drummer and private

 Walloon command figures

 March attack and advancing privates.

 Full command set.

 Close up of the line.

 More command detail.

The line.


  1. Hi
    Beautiful figures. Ready for La Albuera!

  2. Putting the figures in a diorama certainly enhances their appearance!

  3. Thanks all!

    Yes, as the weather was miserable on the weekend I had to make the pictures a bit more interesting by creating a bit of a diorama to hide all the mess that is our living room! Turned out quite well, even if a bit too dark.

    Stay tuned, Rafa. I'll post some pictures of the Toledos soon, and have plans to paint the Voluntarios de la Patria using French figures. I have to get some more command figures, too, or at least make some conversions to make the flag bearers.

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