
Friday, November 12, 2010

November WIP

This is my latest British project; the 16th Light Dragoons.

I've painted 5 so far but not yet based, shaded or varnished any. I have 3 still in the process of being painted, so it won't be long now.

After this I might get cracking on my Spanish, although I do have a British rocket battery still to paint that might be fun to use. I'm not sure if we have rules for rockets, but it'd certainly add another level of uncertainty to the game; will it circle back and blow up over British lines?!

Trooper in a very 17th century pose; King Billy or Marlborough, anyone?


the 5 in line

I decided to add the Hungarian knots in freehand

Capt. Fotherington-Thomas and his amazing muttonchops!

I've started the Aspern-Essling dike with the template supplied by Tim and Quinny. I am firstly making the skeleton from strips of balsa wood and then numbering them from the Essling end. I've since started the messy process of applying the putty and will shortly have some photos of the results so far.

The template

Numbering the cut balsa pieces

Laid out on the template awaiting putty

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