
Monday, July 5, 2010

We're All Going on a Winter Holiday!

There haven't been many posts for a while now because the Rosbifs have been on holiday for a week down on the coast enjoying the bracing breezes straight off the Southern Ocean. Great weather for painting, and, fortunately, I was organised enough to manage to squeeze in my painting case and a few figures. I finished the 50th foot and started on my riflemen, completing five 95th Rifles and one 5/60th NCO, and just for a change of pace, 4 Spaniards.

Once home I based and varnished the 50th and 95th figures and photographed them for your visual enjoyment.

50th Foot

Kennington command figures

Kennington colour bearers with Warflag colours

Revell 95th rifles

Rifleman & Bugler

Rifle officer

I also had the pleasure of participating in the annual club fundraising Bunnings BBQ. As first shift on a miserably cold (but luckily not damp) Sunday morning, we set up and sold our first dozen or so sausages-in-bread before 10am. No spruiking needed; it's amazing how the smell of frying sausages and onions sells itself! I got to chat with club members I haven't had the opportunity to talk to before, comparing notes between historical and fantasy gaming.

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