
Friday, August 31, 2012

Blob and Tackle

After the underwhelming use of kitchen twine, I've gone for a more accurate representation of the block and tackle for the naval gun using the stiff bristles salvaged from our outdoor broom and small blobs of milliput with a double indentation added using the tips of a pair of tweezers. I tried sticking the bristles straight into the blobs, but ended up with a mess, so I'm going to let the blobs harden, then glue the bristles on to them.

Fingers crossed!

This is the arrangement I'm looking for after the putty's hardened:
Single strand either end secured to gun and ground, while the double strand will be glued either end to the  hardened putty. All up it's about 2cm long.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Royal Navy Gun Crew - Nearly There!

Here's the almost completed gun emplacement.

After Cadet13 suggested watching a clip from Hornblower I decided I would attempt to add ship's cables after all. I used kitchen twine looped and knotted to represent the block and tackle.

 Does it work? I'm still not sure. I'm happy with the rest of the base, though.

Here's the Hornblower clip. The relevant bit starts around the 2:19 mark. See what you think.

Is my version too 'scratchbuilt'? I'm thinking the loops look too loose, so maybe I'll glue them up? I may even try something else if the inspiration takes me.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Royal Navy WIP and More Soviets

Work goes head on my naval gun emplacement. I bodged up some gabions using flywire and putty and used more putty for the earthen bank. I've decided to abandon the idea of ropes and pulleys as there isn't enough room.

The first couple of photos show the set up without figures and the last couple with figures and coarse texture gel added. When the gel is dried, it'll be painted and flocking added.

As proof for Jimbo, here's an update on his Soviets. There's more in the pipeline Jim! 

Luckily he's a patient man, because life, study and my own projects keep getting in the way of finishing his commission!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Royal Navy Gun Crew

Here's the progress of my naval gun and crew for the La Bricole Salamanca Summer Painting Challenge.

I intend to make a mini-diorama including a gun-platform, earth bank on either side of the barrels with either plank supports, or gabions if I can be arsed making some! I also plan to make coils of rope attached to the front of the gun with some sort of pulley system for re-positioning the gun (not sure how I'm going to do that yet!).

The figure which looks like he's winding up to punch someone I've decided must be actually pulling the lanyard, so I'll attach a plastic brush bristle from his fist to the gun's vent to represent a taught lanyard in the instant before firing.

The proposed layout of the base. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Another Peninsular Punch-up!

I made it to the club this Saturday past after time off for good behaviour (Mrs. R wasn't working so she got to do the taxi run for la petite Rosbif no.2 instead!). I accepted a challenge from Paul, taking on his Frenchmen with my British and Allies.

Now, I thought I was a martyr for my hobby, making a 2 hour trip each way by public transport from the mid northern suburbs to the outer eastern suburbs, but Paul makes the trip from Shepparton in central northern Victoria!

Paul had a large collection of 1/72nd figures which he promptly abandoned, corrupted by the siren call of 28mm plastic, so again my boys are looking marginally underfed against their enemies! However they were punching above their weight as the game went down to the wire, ending in a draw with the honours more or less even. I was beginning to gain the upper hand on my left, while Paul was bringing pressure to bear on my right. Even with a couple more turns resulting in breaking each other's right flanks would have left us with a draw.

While organising the game we quipped that we were well suited to oppose each other as we are both equally so tactically inept that each of our mistakes would be matched by an equal number on the other side of the table! He probably had the honours in casualties, inflicting quite a few more on me than I on him. He broke 2 of my units and forced 2 retreats, while I only forced one retreat on his units (though I tried my hardest to make more run, honest I did!)

My brave lads in their starting positions

Spaniards securing the right flank in the town

Here come the forces of the Corsican Ogre!

My first move and I take the ridge (well, I am playing the British after all!)

Viewed from the French side, I have deployed behind the hills with  a reserve in the centre

Skirmishers to the front

Light dragoons on the far right flank

Paul's French infantry on the move

His dragoons back up his artillery while his infantry go for a wander!

His Chasseurs go for a stroll from the starting position to way over on his right flank

Paul seizes the BUA ahead, which was fine by me as I had no intention of  taking it!

The Buffs await developments in reserve.

In the centre-right, the infantry and heavy dragoons shelter behind the reverse slope out of harm's way

The 71st GLHI advance and form line to counter Paul's move on the other side of the woods

The Buffs move to the left in response to dust clouds advancing towards that flank

Meanwhile, the Portuguese move on the right flank.

Steady, lads!

The 92nd Gordons provide support for my death-dealing 9lb battery (though after the first couple of shots it turned out the hedge the French were sheltering behind was impervious to round or canister shot!)

The Portuguese move up on the right.


The Buffs form square in the nick of time on the extreme left flank

In the centre I tried to force the issue by advancing on the artillery with 2  battalions.  He could only target one, so the other would be able to cause mischief. I thought the right hand battalion was safe with it's flank on the woods. Oops!

Moving in for the kill...

...when this happened.
Bugger! Tunnel vision costs me dearly!

Run away!

Light dragoons rush over to the left flank..

...while the Portuguese settle down to support the horse gun battery.

Meanwhile on the left, the line behind the ridge waits anxiously while the Buffs and 71st Highlanders  hold the  flank.

You must hold this square come what may!

Hang on boys; we're coming!

The heavy dragoons maneuver themselves into position...

...while the dragoons counter.

My Spanish grenadiers moved up to form on the flank of the French dragoons' charge path , while my heavy dragoons shook out into line.

Paul launched the charge, the grenadiers fired on their flank, and the heavy dragoons counter charged...

...causing the French dragoons to retreat, and threatening the battery's flank!

But then guess who popped out of the woods?!

Wait for it.... awaaay!

Damn it! I told you to hold the square!
After one too many blasts from close range artillery the Buffs break...

...allowing a cavalry scrap of epic proportions!

Fortunately we bounced, ending up where we started. If I'd won , I would have offered  up a nice juicy close range flank shot for his artillery! Phew!

On the right flank, Paul's infantry brigade comes around the building to be met by  my  Portuguese 'Fighting Cocks'

While the Cacadores held the French line in check, my line battalion advanced and engaged the columns in a firefight.  What I was really hoping for was to send the line running after firing in their flank, allowing the Cacadores a free hand in the columns' flanks next turn.
Of course, the buggers stood after surviving their morale check, didn't they? GRRRR!

A similar situation with a similar result on the other flank. The 92nd  had wheeled around to try and envelope Paul's rear. Paul countered, but left the line in the woods facing the cavalry, allowing the 50th Foot to advance in their flank...

...and deploy in line!

The long British line poised for action!

Move,  I dare you!

"Eh, Henri, I'm glad I'm wearing a brown overcoat!"
Paul forms column with his threatened line. The 50th  Foot pour fire into their flank, but when the smoke clears...they're still standing! Double GRRRRR!

Next turn I finally made the buggers run! Huzzah!

Finally managed to rally one of the broken battalions!

While all this fun was happening, Paul's chasseurs tried another charge.

Paul's guns had meanwhile whittled my numbers...

...but rolling a MIGHTY 6 meant I was in like Flynn!

Six notwithstanding, his numbers told and we were forced back to our starting positions again.
What a waste of a six!

Back on the right flank, Paul's 2 battalion columns charged my line, forcing the Portuguese to retire.

I brought out a Spanish battalion in line from the BUA to  threaten the flank of any further advance by his  columns.

I was more than a little concerned by the guns and cavalry in the flank.

My horse gun battery suffered the loss of a gun from fire from Paul's approaching  battery.

Paul tried a charge against my cacadore line who stood firm and met them  with  fire.
After this combat we launched the cavalry at each other and I was decisively beaten. So on this flank, Paul would have launched his dragoons to mop up the infantry and horse guns, while on the other I would have overwhelmed his line ending in a bloodier stalemate than actually occurred!

Last, but not least, are 2 of Paul's brilliant conversions inspired by the Paul Hicks sculpts available via Westfalia Miniatures. Note the pixillation of the nether regions of the lower figure! This is a family-rated blog after all ;-)